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Heel veel opdrachten

Ik ben een enorme verzameling opdrachten aan het aanleggen. Opdrachten die te maken hebben met taalverwerving aan de hand van...

Eendje en het weer

A new week and a new theme for the Dutch Playgroup. This week is al about the funny Melbournian weather: warm - cold - warm. We are...

New year at the Playgroup, new lay-out

A new year at the Playgroup in Port Melbourne. A new layout. Last year I've made an intro for the eendje-videos and this year I try to...

Dutch in a playful way with kids

Yes! One of the things I love most is the Dutch Playgroup and the playfulness that comes with it. Its a total joy to design games and...

Dutch sayings: de koning te rijk

Still working on new Dutch sayings; the collection illustrations is growing and growing. I've started some collaborations just for fun....

Dutch Playgroup week 5, 2018

Nu het weer besloten heeft dat de zomer voorbij is beginnen we vrijdag weer met een splinternieuw speelgroep programma! Het filmpje van...

My approach to Dutch Lessons

Playfull learning Dutch by the storyline approach " And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the...

The way I love to teach

Most of all I love the process of learning I’ve got my Bachelor of Theatre degree at ArtEZ institute of the Arts, Theatre and my Bachelor...

Curriculum Vitae

Education 2005-2009 Bachelor Theatre in Education, ArtEz Institute of the Arts, Arnhem Honours: How to educate high school students...

Rijmpiet at the VSL

After the Dutch immersion day there needed to be a follow-up event. Amy, teacher at the VSL, thought of a Sinterklaas feest. So last...

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