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  • Foto van schrijverMadelief

The way I love to teach

Most of all I love the process of learning

I’ve got my Bachelor of Theatre degree at ArtEZ institute of the Arts, Theatre and my Bachelor of Education degree. Most off all I'm a teacher. In these changing times, like for excample sir Ken Robinson explained in Do Schools Kill Creativity?

I might not want to name myself a teacher. Maybe coach is a better word. Nevertheless I love education. Seeing people of all different ages finding their own passion and inspiration, finding that one thing they do want to learn about, finding bridges and ways to connect their passion with my craft in order to give them a way of expression. In order to amaze, create, wonder and dream. I believe that we can make the world our stage. By creating a social safe environment using all sorts of art forms and creative practices I’m able to stimulate the learning process. I like to inspire using the world and I love to be inspired by that same world. We can’t ignore the online world that is added to the real life. Seeking ways within theatre and other forms of art I try incorporate this in my work. So besides theatre and art my work always has this social component – from literacy to social skilling to working together.

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