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Working at the University of Applied Science Leiden

Not near ready to go yet but the last place I’ve worked was at University of Applied Sciences Leiden, Faculty of Education, bachelor of education, a lovely place where I’ve learned everything day in day out about education. I could be the team player with passion, I expended my vision on education and tried to for fill my mission to ad more art and drama education to the regular school system in order to let students learn about art, drama, but also on social skilling and ways to express themselves.

The greatest discovery was to make an education program where students not felt they were being thought but they felt treated equal and they created their own playful journey where they could develop themselves and learning process was an invisible part of that journey. I was there to help and coach them while creating the path with them. It isn’t about teaching: it’s all about being curious and learning.

Drama teacher; teaching students how to make and teach theatre at primary schools

Contact of the Arts team with two music teachers, three art teachers and one drama teacher

In charge of the specialization Arts Educator

In charge of the theatre project year 2, development & coordination

Mentor year 2

Supervisor internships

Developing and teaching the refresher course Art Education

Team member developing national guidelines for national undergraduate drama education at the National Centre of Expertise for Cultural Education and Amateur Arts (LKCA, uitwerking kennisbasis drama)

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